Monday, July 25, 2016

Good Bye Joe!

Well 1 year has gone by for me and 2 years for Elder Pratt! Wow that's crazy! How time flies! 

We had a great week this week.  We taught about 13
lessons and are expecting a baptism soon!

We had a weird family home evening!

Thursday, July 21, 2016


We had a crazy awesome lesson. We found 8 new investigators and we have been doing really good together! Elder Bryan is not trunky at all. He is here to work.

We took a member phone and used Snapchat!

Elder Bryan ate a cube of something to make chicken broth and he didn't like it.

This is late from the Fourth of July! Sorry!


In one picture, this is how my week went!

I had a really good week. We had a baptism on Saturday!

We are going to teach her family this week!

We had a really good week! I am really happy to be with Elder Bryan!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Great week I got to go to the temple!!!!! Met up with an old comp!!
The Fourth of July was pretty eh for me. I didn't do anything and I didn't get to see the fireworks. We just stayed in our house all night. Transfers is tomorrow and I am getting a new comp who goes home in 6 weeks. Hopefully he is not trunky!!

Found a pretty American photo!!