Monday, May 8, 2017

Read Matthew 14:22-33

So my week was pretty full of emotions! I have been the happiest and the saddest and the maddest and then the chillest this week... but like I said with the title you must read that story before reading this story. 
So I love this story because I can relate to it so much! So to help you understand this story, the apostles were sent on a boat while Christ went to go pray. They were rowing in a storm for literally hours. Then on the 4th watch, so between 3am and 6 am of the next day (lots of rowing right?), Christ starts walking out to them on the water! And at the point of view of the apostles it is pitch black with a huge storm and some lightning. So every once in a while they can see. So they are doing their thing on the boat and one of them sees in the flash of the lightning a spirit of some sorts. (I would be dying if I were there). And the first thing they hear is "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid"  then "Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water" Christ said "...Come" so Peter, the head guy, starts to walk out to Christ and will not keep his eyes off of Christ and he does very well, until (always an until with Peter) until he hears the thunder and feels the wind and the storm. Then and only then does he take his eyes off of Christ. If he had kept looking at Christ all would have been fine, but he didn't or couldn't, because of his fear. Fear is a word that I hate. Now if I were to say I fear the Lord that is a different kind of fear which is good, but the fear Peter felt for the "storm" or the "world" was bad. So Peter starts to sink and sink fast. What does he do? Pray or call to the Lord for help! (We should all do that). 
So my life has not been hard by any means. I can in no way compare my life to others but I have received challenges based on my personality and spirit that have pushed me to do better! So like Peter I have received my calls and my times to walk on faith and I like Peter have just looked away because of fear. 
So starting this week, like all of you know, I was put in a trio!! Super happy. Then we lost a missionary (he went home), so sad, and then we found out why, super mad. Then the week chilled out but we are covering 6 wards right now. I feel like a missionary in Utah. We have so much on our plates right now. It is very stressful, but I know right now I am starting to walk on the water and if I keep looking at Christ everything will be alright. 

We also did funny weird things that have pictures or videos that I will send.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Week was Pretty Chill!

I found out I am going to the Buckeye Spanish branch to be in a trio! I am very excited. I love the two missionaries I am going to be with! 

I am super excited to see all of you in six weeks! I went to my old area to see a baptism and it was amazing! They are so wonderful!

Monday, April 10, 2017

So I Cut My Finger

Nothing really exciting happened this week other than we moved a new member into the ward on Saturday, and she is a single mom so after we had moved all of the stuff and everyone else had left she asked us to set up a few things. So I setup 3 beds and built an entertainment center. Elder Parker built other things and then they asked us to
build the trampoline. Side note: if you live in Arizona or ever plan on living there dont get a trampoline I have a three word answer for you DON'T DO IT!! But we were setting up the tramp and everything was going great and I was on one of the last springs and it slipped out of
my right hand and then cut my left finger bad! Picture will be shown at the end so if you don't want to see it don't look easy as that!! That was the exciting thing that happened. By the way I took this photo today it looked worse two days ago! I used super glue to seal it too!

Monday, April 3, 2017

My Week!

Conference was amazing! The church is true! Everyone needs to reread Elder Uchtdorfs talk about fear in the Sunday morning session, last talk. He talked about how we must not lead by fear and how no one will prosper by using fear and I have also been learning that while reading
the Bible. David dies for those of you who didn't know and he didn't regain his exaltation. We all need to follow the commandments. 

We also got a brand new 2017 Chevy Malibu with WiFi and lane correction.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Rise and Fall of King David

So my week wasn't too bad. We helped a member make above ground flower beds. That aren't for flowers they are for palm trees... only in Arizona.. I had another gun pulled on me. Btw did anyone else see the video of the missionary who beat up his mugger?? Crazy right?? Well that wasn't me haha I don't fight back when stuff like that happens here.. it happened when we knocked on his door and he opened it and pointed the gun at me. (I say me because whenever we go door knocking I do one side of the street while my comp does the other side of the street. So we do it faster). He seemed very angry and as I was about to say have a nice day he asked very loudly who are you? And I said I am
a servant of Jesus Christ trying to deliver you a message. After I said that he put down his gun and said oh i better listen to this. I yelled at my comp to call him over and we walked in and teach him the restoration of the gospel. He didn't want us to come back but I know he felt the spirit.

Ok the title of my letter. I started at the beginning of the year to read the Old Testament. I have just finished 2 Samuel. And the story of King David is amazing, sad, heroic, idiotic, and down right helpful. If you need a refresher on this story start in 1 Samuel chapter 16ish. Well I have learned that it doesn't matter who you are. You are going to mess up. Now the theme of the Bible up to this point
is: prophet who is righteous messes up but repents and is exalted.
Adam ate the fruit, Moses with the stone, Samuel with wives, etc. the only thing is all of the people before David repent and are forgiven. David on the other hand does something really bad. Now everyone is going to say oh its the thing with Bathsheba.. no if he had done that and then just repented he would have been fine. The thing that killed him (spiritually) was when he had Uriah killed. The shedding of innocent blood is a denial of the Holy Ghost which is the only unforgivable sin. Ergo David messed up big time and he knew it. Then he spends the rest of his life trying to repent of what he did but he can't. We know that a lot of the book of Psalms is David singing to the Lord asking for forgiveness but he does not receive comfort for what
he did. Don't be a David, ladies and gentlemen.

Monday, March 20, 2017

My Week

My week went by really fast and the sad part of that was we just really biked and biked and biked and nothing came of it. We only have a limited number of miles per month and we are very close to going over so we have been biking a lot. I don't like that. 

I have been trying to lose weight without success I guess the members just feed us to much pizza. Don't ever feed the missionaries pizza!!! I can run a mile in 9 minutes and like 20 seconds. I think that is pretty good. 

I am about to go home and I have mixed feelings about it. I am also trying to finish the Old Testament before I go home as well which I am not going to make that goal. I am in 1 Samuel 16 and I am using the institute manual to help me understand it. It is reminding me a lot of seminary with Sister Mayne.

The church hosted a car show and this was the best car there. If you notice the steering wheel is on the wrong side!!