Monday, August 29, 2016

Crazy Changes!!

Hey everyone!

So holy cow huge huge huge news! I'm not in Agua Fria anymore! Our mission received a new stake! And the stake has 3 new Spanish wards! La Joya, Encanto, and Cielito are their names. I am right next to downtown Phoenix! I am in a different apartment! I am with all new missionaries! We live with the elders who serve in the Cielito area!
All four of us got "doubled in" which means we are both new to the area.

This is how it happened!
So on Sunday of last week. Sunday the 21 we needed an interview for one of our investigators so we had to call the other Spanish missionaries to come over and interview her. While the interview was happening I was talking with the other missionary about the stake boundary changes and he told me "just wait the mission is about to get wrecked" I didn't really know what to think about it so I went on with my week. On Friday at 10am we had had a missed call from our mission president (P-Griff). So we called him back and no answer, this happened 3 more times. Then we called some other Spanish missionaries (btw for you RM's and current missionaries I don't know how it works
in your missions but here Spanish missionaries are allowed to call each other even if we aren't in the same zone or district) to find out if they had just been called by P-Griff and they had just gotten off the phone with him. And they told us all of their changes but that
they didn't know anything about us. Then P-Griff called us again and he asked "how are you doing elders?" Of course my response was (btw the phone was on speaker) "nervous, excited, tired, etc." I really didn't know what to think. Then P-Griff said "Elder Studyvin I'm taking you away from your home" (the joke around the mission is that Agua Fria is my home ward now, feel free to send my records over there) When he said that I began to cry! Like a lot! I had been in Agua Fria for about 11 months now! He then told us where we were going and all the information we needed and he then said "You need to be
packed and at this building by 10am Saturday morning and ready to work in your new area!" My first thought was "but P-Griff I am supposed to baptize someone tomorrow at 2!" So I asked him if I could and all went well. The baptism was great. A lot of members showed up to say good bye.

Now the "new" apartment!
I say "new" because it is new to me, but this apartment has had missionaries for about 5 years now. And it only has a couch, microwave, toaster, oven, fridge, beds, and a kitchen table. Notice that I didn't say washer or dryer. Btw no food too! And one of the
worst parts is no shower curtains! We are all very excited to be here and we are ready to work but we are going to be very buddy buddy with the mission office to get all the things we need!

The bikes?
So my area is the smallest of all the Spanish areas so.... I will be on bike for the time being here in Encanto! Hopefully I will be here for a long time! I told P-Griff to keep me in the ward for a long time so I can get some use of the bike! So I have a bike and it actually
wasn't too much!

My comp!
His name is Elder BenolerĂ£o. Don't ask me how to pronounce it... He has been out for 21 months. I've heard a lot about him but the only thing I know is that he is trunky and we live really close to the airport and so he makes so many going home jokes.... But we are going to work hard!

Well that's pretty much what happened!
Love you all!

Te amo!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Still in Agua Fria!!

My new comp's name is Elder Groesbeck! So my last comp was Elder Bryan and he is the "grandfather" of Elder Groesbeck which means that Elder Bryan trained Elder Plourde who trained Elder Groesbeck. Elder
Groesbeck will be with me tomorrow.  Next week I will ask around and draw up my lineage. I am super excited to be staying here for another transfer!!

Monday, August 8, 2016

His last week!

This is elder Bryan's last week in the mission! He wants to visit all of the members at least once this week! It's pretty cool!

I am so happy I still have a year left of my mission!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Elder Bryan is trunky! He has 15 days left! He is ready to go home! He still works! But man is he trunky !

We found a fly that died! BTW this cactus is over 15 ft. tall!

We did a musical number for a child of record baptism and we were practicing!

More practice