Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Week!

It was really exciting to talk with my family and all! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! (No mom none of those missionaries are me, I just took the photo) 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I'm a Dad!!

This week we helped a youth pack for his mission! We made a goal to get 16 baptisms in one month and we got it! So we got to eat steaks at the mission president's house! They were so good! Mine had so much blood in it! Elmer also got baptized! 

I received a phone call from our mission president this morning telling me I am going to train the new Spanish missionary coming in! The only thing I know about him is that his name is Elder Johnson! I will tell you more next week! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Walking into the last week with my head hanging low...

Last Tuesday was incredible!
I went on an exchange with another missionary who has only been out on his mission for 3 weeks! And this kid is on fire! All he wants to do is work! And I missed having a comp like that! I just really hope that my next one will be like this young one too! I cooked him my very famous southern sandwich that I got from another southerner! Was sooo good! I also fried yuka to make "French fries"

The reason for the title of my email! 
So this coming week is the last full week of the transfer. And it has been the hardest 4ish months on my mission (so far...). And no one in the mission expected us to make it one full week. After the first transfer everyone said there is no way they are going two transfers. Then when the 3rd transfer started all of the missionaries have given me the nickname "3" because I am the only missionary in this mission that has gone 3 transfers with my current comp. Normally at the end of 2 transfers with him other missionaries have asked to get a new comp. I hope this was the hardest thing I'll have to do in my mission.