Monday, November 16, 2015

I might be sick

I think I need to go to the doctor and get my ears cleaned but I don't know how much it will be or where. I just bought some earwax cleaner drops so we will see. 

I love getting people's letters and emails. I am sorry I haven't been doing to well on mine to you. This week was kind of a sad one. (BTW, Peoria, the district I am in is the slowest area in all of the mission so it's hard to keep happy.)  So from Monday of last week to today we found a solid investigator. She wants to get baptized but we can't continue to teach her because her parents are "hard core" Catholics. Don't make me laugh people. I asked the mom when was the last time she went to church. (My thought was maybe every other week) but she said "The last time I went was when I was 15"  To all the people reading this letter whether you are LDS or Catholic etc. if you are going to say you are a "hard core" (insert religion) then at least go every week and live the principles being taught. If the lesson that Sunday is love thy neighbor then say hi to them and make them some cookies and actually love them. And yes I am talking to the Mormons too! Back to this lady. She said, "My daughter can't be anything but Catholic because my mom, grandma, great, great, etc. were all Catholics so she has to be Catholic."  If the world lived in the fact "well we have been doing it this for ever so I guess we can't changed" if the world lived in that motto than nothing would get done!! And btw about this girl (she is 15) she asked us about baptism!  So parents help and guide your children to the best path and if they feel like they have found a better path listen to them with an open heart and then pray with them if this is the right thing to do! This girl's name is Maylee. Please pray that her parents will soften their hearts!

Love Elder Studs.

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