Monday, May 30, 2016


So I got transferred last Wednesday back to my first area!!!!!! My comp's name is Elder Miller. He is from Utah! He is going through some problems of not wanting to work right now but I am going to help him with that! We put someone on date a couple of days ago because we need
to help these people return to live with Heavenly Father! I am really excited to be back here! One of the missionaries we live with name is Elder Heller. He is by far the funniest missionary ever!

Yesterday I got to go back to my old ward to give someone The Holy Ghost and that was really cool so I got to say good by to my favorite elder and sisters but I didn't take a picture with the elder sorry but I did get the sisters! The one in the black, her name is Sister Thiriot and the one in red is Sister Lewis. They are by far the best sister missionaries I have ever met! (Sorry Courtney, Stephanie and other sister missionaries I know!)

The ward (Agua Fria) was really excited to see me back and they told me that they are ready to get to work so that should be fun!!

Accurate picture of where I am right now!

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