Monday, April 10, 2017

So I Cut My Finger

Nothing really exciting happened this week other than we moved a new member into the ward on Saturday, and she is a single mom so after we had moved all of the stuff and everyone else had left she asked us to set up a few things. So I setup 3 beds and built an entertainment center. Elder Parker built other things and then they asked us to
build the trampoline. Side note: if you live in Arizona or ever plan on living there dont get a trampoline I have a three word answer for you DON'T DO IT!! But we were setting up the tramp and everything was going great and I was on one of the last springs and it slipped out of
my right hand and then cut my left finger bad! Picture will be shown at the end so if you don't want to see it don't look easy as that!! That was the exciting thing that happened. By the way I took this photo today it looked worse two days ago! I used super glue to seal it too!

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