Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Leaving on a Jet Plane

So the day finally arrived for Elder Studyvin to leave on his mission. He was set apart on Sunday by President Jeremiah Morgan of the Liberty Missouri Stake. He was given a wonderful blessing in which he was promised the gift of tongues.

Wednesday June 17th finally arrived and we got up early to reach the airport. Jordan was only worried about two things: flying by himself and learning Spanish. So of course that's what his mother worried about too. Just after we sent him through security we spotted a member of our Stake Presidency. He happened to be flying on the same flight to Salt Lake as Jordan. A tender mercy from the Lord for this mission mom. Later when I got an email from Jordan, he said that Pres. Call helped him in Salt Lake, is really spiritual and also good at Spanish. Yay!

This mom is not a bawl baby and I am so excited for Jordan to be going on a mission...but I'm not going to lie, I teared up at him walking through that security gate. A piece of my heart left on that airplane.

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