Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week One is Over

Hola hermanos,
"Comó está? Hey guys so here are some weird things about the MTC. 1st: it's not called the MTC, it's called the CCM. 2nd: it's very strict but it doesn't feel that way. 3rd: the gift of tongues is real in the CCM. My compeñero and I have talked to an investigator 5 times now and every time he just starts talking like he is a native.  And 4th I have never seen so many mosquitoes (how ever you spell it)  in my life until this point.  It is really weird but in a good way to not be in the world. I say that because the CCM is like a compound. It has a 15-ish foot concrete wall all the way around it with barbwire fencing on the top. I don't know if it's more for keeping us missionaries in or keeping others out. I have only been here a week and what my district's service project every week is to welcome the greens and act like we know what's going on even though we have no idea what is happening. I am in disrict 4A and our district started and branch so our whole Sunday sacrament meeting was 9 people including our branch president. He doesn't have any councilors. He is a very funny man who doesn't know very much English so we all just speak Spanglish to talk with each other. There are 6 elders and 2 sisters in our district. Hopefully since 74 new missionaries came in yesterday they will make a district 4B and 4C so our branch is a little bigger. I had to give a talk in Spanish last Sunday. It was alright. It was on the atonement and the apostasy  (my spelling was already awful before I came to the CCM but now after all of this Spanish, it's even worse so I am sorry). We are supposed to prepare a talk every week but we might not have to give the talk. Our branch president interviewed all of our district and then later he called district leaders, zone leaders and sister trainers. Elder Clough and I are the zone leaders! which means if we had 3 districts in our branch we would be "in charge of them" We had a devotional on Tuesday and my main man Elder Holland was there. It was so crazy to think man if I walk 20 feet I could shake his hand! He talked about not going 2 by 2 but 3 by 3 meaning that we should always have the holy ghost with us and to make him the senor componñero. It was great. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME PHYSICAL LETTERS TO THE CMM. IT TAKES WAY TO LONG TO GET HERE AND I WONT GET THEM UNTIL I AM GONE. AND PLEASE REMEMBER IF YOU WANT TO EMAIL ME BACK  START A NEW EMAIL WITH ME PLEASE DON'T JUST RESPOND TO THIS ONE! 
I love all of you guys so much and just don't even know what more to say."

Mom fixed typos and spelling...couldn't help it!

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