Monday, July 27, 2015

CCM District 4A Despedida (Farewell)

Elderes y Hermanas,

We send our blessings with you all.  It has been such a pleasure to serve with you for the last 6 weeks.  Enjoy every moment of your missions.  We love you.  

Hermana Call

I received this update and pictures from the CCM today. Elder Studyvin and his companion head to Phoenix bright and early tomorrow. I can't wait for updates from the field. ~Alicyn

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Hey guys, how's it going? This is my last P-day in the CCM. I can't believe this day actually came! I am so ready to be in my mission field but I am not prepared. 

We do the same stuff almost everyday and I don't really have anything new other than I will be in the USA around 8 PM Pacific time. And I have to be on a bus leaving the CCM at 3 AM!

The pictures are just with one of our Spanish teachers. Her name is Hermana Santiago which in English means Sister James!! 

I love you all so much and I love hearing from you all!
~Elder Studyvin

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Fun Pictures

No official update from Elder Studyvin this week (: I "chatted" with him back and forth while he was online today and I'm guessing that's what he did with several people. Apparently he's been spoiled to grow up with homemade pancakes. He can't eat the kind from a mix at the CCM. 

He did send some fun pictures. Not sure how they did that. Hoping for more news next week! He heads to Arizona in less than two weeks. The time is truly flying by!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hola Hermanas y Hermanos!!

How are you guys doing? I would just like to start by saying thank you all for the birthday wishes! And also about the pictures! 

I bought a wicked sweet scripture case with Captain Moroni on it! And on the bunk bed that I sleep on, it had none other than the crazy elder himself Elder Pratt! 

Mi español es mas o menos! It could definitely get better! Our service project is to help the noobies get their stuff to their houses and I love only speaking the few words I know. The faces they make are priceless! Sometimes we will shout in an angry voice "LECUGA" which if I'm spelling it right means lettuce but they normally get really scared! 

Today is day 2 of solo Español and man is it difficult! But it is a lot easier spelling things in Spanish because all you have to do is sound them out! 

It is so sad that Elder Packer passed away but an amazing man who had served the Lord for a huge part of his life! We are going to watch the funeral tomorrow

We had a devotional two days ago about how missionaries are disciples of the Lord and how closely related to the apostles we are! Missionaries and apostles are the only people authorized to preach the word of God to either their mission or the world! We are the only ones with authority to baptize without permission from the bishop of that area! I strongly encourage everyone to get close to the missionaries. They are the closest we can get to meeting the apostles as we can! And I know some missionaries can be a little bit lacking when it comes to the spirit. But you need to help them see the light of Christ! Missionaries need your help just as much as you need theirs! 

I can't wait to get out in the field and really know what it's like to serve the Lord with all my heart might mind and strength! 

I challenge every one of you like I got challenged by Elder Bednar (except Elder Bednar told me to do it in Spanish and I'm telling you to do it in English). I challenge each and every one of you to read or re-read the Book of Mormon and read one that is cheaper, just the Book of Mormon. And highlight the Christ-like characteristics that you see throughout the whole thing. Highlight the times when someone turns outward and doesn't think of themselves and becomes as Christ-like as they can! 

I love you all!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Another week gone by!

If I learn anything from my experience in Mexico is it rains every day and I mean everyday. And not the little soft Missouri rain that I'm used to. It is a hard evil rain. My district has a running joke that it's Satan and he doesn't want us to teach in dry clothes! 

Every time someone asks me how my Spanish is coming I always answer mi español es moy mal! which is kind of true but not really! I can pray and bear my testimony in Spanish! Which I think is a step forward! Spanish would be so much easier if it didn't have the male/female thing! Oh and if two LL's put together didn't make a "y"ish sound! 

MERRY P-DAY EVERYONE!! My district has made a new holiday and it comes every Thursday. It's called P-day!! In honor of P-day two of the elders in our house shaved their legs! It is a great holiday of rest, emailing family and sleeping! Tuesday nights aka P-day eve, eve is when we feast. They always have pizza! And then on P-day eve, aka Wednesday, is our service project and our district got chosen to be the hosts for the new incoming greenies! The look on their faces is priceless, just as I imagine my face looked just a couple of weeks ago! 

We went to the visitors center and the grounds of the temple. It was so amazing. The spirit was so strong! We were all a little upset that the temple is closed.  

I love all of you guys so much!

In a separate email to mom, Elder Studyvin also added that his companion, Elder Clough is from Detroit and is also going to Phoenix with Jordan. There are two districts in his zone and about 300 missionaries total at the CCM right now. He didn't get to shake Elder Holland's hand when he was speaking to them last week--darn!