Thursday, July 2, 2015

Another week gone by!

If I learn anything from my experience in Mexico is it rains every day and I mean everyday. And not the little soft Missouri rain that I'm used to. It is a hard evil rain. My district has a running joke that it's Satan and he doesn't want us to teach in dry clothes! 

Every time someone asks me how my Spanish is coming I always answer mi espaƱol es moy mal! which is kind of true but not really! I can pray and bear my testimony in Spanish! Which I think is a step forward! Spanish would be so much easier if it didn't have the male/female thing! Oh and if two LL's put together didn't make a "y"ish sound! 

MERRY P-DAY EVERYONE!! My district has made a new holiday and it comes every Thursday. It's called P-day!! In honor of P-day two of the elders in our house shaved their legs! It is a great holiday of rest, emailing family and sleeping! Tuesday nights aka P-day eve, eve is when we feast. They always have pizza! And then on P-day eve, aka Wednesday, is our service project and our district got chosen to be the hosts for the new incoming greenies! The look on their faces is priceless, just as I imagine my face looked just a couple of weeks ago! 

We went to the visitors center and the grounds of the temple. It was so amazing. The spirit was so strong! We were all a little upset that the temple is closed.  

I love all of you guys so much!

In a separate email to mom, Elder Studyvin also added that his companion, Elder Clough is from Detroit and is also going to Phoenix with Jordan. There are two districts in his zone and about 300 missionaries total at the CCM right now. He didn't get to shake Elder Holland's hand when he was speaking to them last week--darn! 

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