Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Éste semana para todos dos personas

Este semana

Oh yea, I have a new comp and he is super quiet! I am still in Agua Fria but we have four missionaries here in Agua Fria! Because my comp elder Pennington is so quiet I feel like he doesn't like me!  The car rides are so boring!! He doesn't sing while music is playing so I don't want to bug him by singing so it's just quiet music. 

So they split of the area of Agua Fria right. Well all of the information in our area book went to the other elders so we literally have nothing to work with. And we don't live with the other elders!  that's me right now ! We still live with the normal two elders we used to live with! Elders Newcomb and Vanderplas cover English areas and Elder
Pennington and I cover the west side of a Spanish area.  
About my companion! He is a quiet one but he knows how to show you he loves you. He knows Spanish a lot better than I do. He is been out about a year. He is having some trouble right now on the computer. He is debating about getting another mouse. He found a new mouse and he agrees that it is a lot easier to use. I love him very much and I am super excited about Agua Fria West.
The people we live with! Elder Vanderplas and Elder Newcomb. They are the two elders that we live with. They cover two English wards, and Elder Newcomb is my district leader. The two of them love to run in the morning. One of them, Elder Newcomb, is training for the Olympics.

We are planning on doing the FaceTime Christmas thing at the church so we don't know much about it! (Mom you are going to hate this one) EVERYONE is invited! I miss all of you!


On Monday the 23 of November we received a phone call from our bishop saying "one of the part member families wants to get baptized!" He had been investigating the church for about 18 years now!!!  My 3rd day in Agua Fria his wife challenged me to be the missionary in the area when he got baptized! And I did! He knew all of the lessons but we still had to teach him everything so we taught him all of the lessons in 4 days! He just got confirmed yesterday. He is a super solid member. We love him a lot. We cannot wait until one year later when he can enter the temple and be sealed to his family for all time and eternity.

I have a really funny story to tell. It is about a member named Hermana Hernández. She said this phrase "tú eres un negro" I will just let all of you go to Google translate and figure out what that means. So the story behind this one is we were talking about what foods we liked and I said that I really liked fried chicken.

Christmas! I am super excited about Christmas coming up. I am super excited to have the opportunity to talk wi
th my mom! I love my mom so much! I just wish I could talk to all of you face-to-face.

This is my letter. I am sorry if it is not long enough for any of you. I am not perfect. I hate writing. I hate it so much that I am using Siri to write this letter for me! LOL I love all of you! 

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