Monday, December 14, 2015

Ohhhh yeaaaaaa!!!!!


I had an amazing week! How was yours? We hit Standards of excellence (SOE) this week which is just the numbers that the mission wants us to be hitting every week! I am so happy we did that because the ward I am in has been really slow. Like when I first got into it, the ward was dead... Like no missionary work at all!  

My new companion Elder Pennington is amazing! He is such a great missionary! He is basically perfect! He is such an example to me on how I need to improve myself! And I know he is probably so annoyed with me because I talk and talk and talk  You know how I am! In the lessons Elder P and I talk about the same but in the car, at home and when we are just normally talking with members it's all me. But I love it! It has helped my Spanish so much! Our ward has picked up so much with missionary work that we have four missionaries in it now!  And Elder Studyvin has gotten to see the change in the members! Being able to watch the change the atonement has on people not just investigators but on members as well has been something that has strengthened my testimony of the Savior so much! 

I am so confused on one thing: Why do people love the missionaries so much?  

I actually want an answer to this please! Because members and  investigators are always giving us food, doing things for us, etc. and I want to know why! I am a 19 year old punk. I don't know anything. I can barely speak Spanish. And these people act like I'm their son, grandson, or brother. We must have angels behind us bribing the members with brownie points or something. Because every time I fall down on my knees before I go to bed I remember everything un-Christ-like I have done that day and I don't understand why people love us! 

I think that is about it from me! Love you all! 

-Elder Studs 

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