Monday, February 8, 2016

Reese's Easter Eggs

Okay so I have gotten the question is there anything you need anything? And I really don't NEED anything but what I WANT is Reese's peanut butter cups or Easter eggs. Those are the best in the world!

But on a different note I had my first sick day on the mission. I think it was the stomach flu but who knows. I really don't care because I am not sick anymore!  I think it might have been the menudo one of our members made us! Hahaha I didn't like menudo before that day but now I really don't like! (If you have a weak stomach don't ask or search what menudo is). So around 3 AM-ish I was having a
dream where my brother Josh and I were on a roller coaster and I felt like I was going to throw up and then I woke up. And that moment I realized it was not a dream... And so I jumped off the top bunk and ran to the bathroom. Luckily I made it to the toilet, but I hugged the toilet for about an hour. It was awful! and I was sick like for 4 days it was awful!

We have been teaching a lot of people but the 3 people we had on date we sent them off to an English ward. Our total lessons numbers have been going down but that's okay.

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