Monday, February 15, 2016

Sup Sup Sup

During church a couple gave talks about how they just got sealed and how wonderful it was to know that they are going to be together forever! The husband really focused on how husbands really need to love their wives more and better. And how as priesthood holders we need to be there for their wives. And it doesn't matter how we show
our love, just as long as we are showing it! And if you are bad with dates write them down somewhere! I know this is very true that husbands
needs to love their wives and I just hope that if I get to that point I can be that husband that through the love I have for Jesus Christ I will also be able to share that love with my future wife!  That was Sunday hahaha.

So my week was good! We haven't been having like any success on finding or teaching... The members love us but they don't want to help us work. They just think that oh missionary work is only for the
missionaries but that's not true! We as missionaries are here to help the members do missionary work! We are the tools and you are the laborers in the vineyard! I would like to tell a story.

So imagine that you are in a stadium before we came to this earth. And it is a stadium big enough to fit all of Heavenly Father's children in it. Now imagine you are sitting next to your current best friend who is not a member and Heavenly Father calls a few people and has them come down to the field and you are picked but your friend isn't. And
Heavenly Father says these people will have the blessing of being born into the church or find it early in their lives. And then he tells you to go sit down. And when you find your seat next to your best friend
he or she says to you with tears in your eyes can you please do everything you can to find me. I know I can be stubborn but don't give up on me. I want to be with my family again.

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