Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Missionary Duty

This week!

So I finally found out what my mission president's vision is for me! I still don't know if it's a good thing or not, haha! My purpose and I quote "Elder Studyvin, I will be putting you with companions that are depressed. And I want you to love them out of it." -President Griffin

So I've been working with my current companion for a while now and he has very awesome highs but he also has very bad lows. I have been given a job and it is hard! I have no idea why I have been given this "job" and I don't know how long I will have but what I do know is that it is of the Lord and I will do it my best! President Griffin also said, "I didn't tell you your assignment with your first couple of companions because I wanted to see if you could handle it and you did very well."  I just don't know why he thinks I'm strong enough to do that. I just get so sad because I can't help them as much as I would like to... It is the most frustrating thing in the world to know that someone needs help and it's your job to help them but you can't help them to the best abilities they need. It is the saddest thing in the world when they have been sitting on the ground for who knows how long and they look right into your eyes and say, with tears in their eyes, "Why am I always so sad?" And sometimes the best thing you can do is hug them. And it has been an on going thing. I guess one of my talents in life is I can listen to people and not judge them. Or I can listen and love them, or I just have a big brother personality so people trust me with things like this. Because the first time they show me they are depressed they always start it with "You are my first companion that I am telling this to" or something along those lines.
With Elder Benson I found his "trigger" (something that makes him happy) and that is to turn on the camera and put him in the shot and he goes crazy. I love seeing him that happy.

We have two on date and we are working hard with them. It is a 13 and a 10 year old. We are working really hard with their older sister who is 14. And she is so close to being ready to accept the gospel it's crazy.

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