Monday, March 20, 2017

My Week

My week went by really fast and the sad part of that was we just really biked and biked and biked and nothing came of it. We only have a limited number of miles per month and we are very close to going over so we have been biking a lot. I don't like that. 

I have been trying to lose weight without success I guess the members just feed us to much pizza. Don't ever feed the missionaries pizza!!! I can run a mile in 9 minutes and like 20 seconds. I think that is pretty good. 

I am about to go home and I have mixed feelings about it. I am also trying to finish the Old Testament before I go home as well which I am not going to make that goal. I am in 1 Samuel 16 and I am using the institute manual to help me understand it. It is reminding me a lot of seminary with Sister Mayne.

The church hosted a car show and this was the best car there. If you notice the steering wheel is on the wrong side!!

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