Monday, March 27, 2017

The Rise and Fall of King David

So my week wasn't too bad. We helped a member make above ground flower beds. That aren't for flowers they are for palm trees... only in Arizona.. I had another gun pulled on me. Btw did anyone else see the video of the missionary who beat up his mugger?? Crazy right?? Well that wasn't me haha I don't fight back when stuff like that happens here.. it happened when we knocked on his door and he opened it and pointed the gun at me. (I say me because whenever we go door knocking I do one side of the street while my comp does the other side of the street. So we do it faster). He seemed very angry and as I was about to say have a nice day he asked very loudly who are you? And I said I am
a servant of Jesus Christ trying to deliver you a message. After I said that he put down his gun and said oh i better listen to this. I yelled at my comp to call him over and we walked in and teach him the restoration of the gospel. He didn't want us to come back but I know he felt the spirit.

Ok the title of my letter. I started at the beginning of the year to read the Old Testament. I have just finished 2 Samuel. And the story of King David is amazing, sad, heroic, idiotic, and down right helpful. If you need a refresher on this story start in 1 Samuel chapter 16ish. Well I have learned that it doesn't matter who you are. You are going to mess up. Now the theme of the Bible up to this point
is: prophet who is righteous messes up but repents and is exalted.
Adam ate the fruit, Moses with the stone, Samuel with wives, etc. the only thing is all of the people before David repent and are forgiven. David on the other hand does something really bad. Now everyone is going to say oh its the thing with Bathsheba.. no if he had done that and then just repented he would have been fine. The thing that killed him (spiritually) was when he had Uriah killed. The shedding of innocent blood is a denial of the Holy Ghost which is the only unforgivable sin. Ergo David messed up big time and he knew it. Then he spends the rest of his life trying to repent of what he did but he can't. We know that a lot of the book of Psalms is David singing to the Lord asking for forgiveness but he does not receive comfort for what
he did. Don't be a David, ladies and gentlemen.

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