Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

This week went by really slow.. we didn't much but Saturday was awesome! We had a baptism and I fell off of my bike! 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Wonder Woman has a crush on Elder Guapo

Wonder Woman story! This little girl has a crush on me! It is so adorable! She is 9 and every time I see her she tries to hug me! (As missionaries we aren't allowed to hug females or children) and so I feel really bad when I tell her I can't give her a hug! And like two weeks ago she asked me who my favorite female super hero was (BTW, I don't have a favorite super hero in general let alone a female one) and I just said "Ummm, Wonder Woman why?" Then she said no reason! And just yesterday we had dinner at their house and after we finished eating she asked me if she had time to show me something and I of coarse said yes! So it takes her like five minutes and then she comes back into the room dressed up as Wonder Woman saying "I wanted to be your hero for Halloween!" It was so adorable! We got her autograph and everything! 

The Pancho! So about a month ago I asked my bishop why Mexicans used Panchos and he never really gave me an answer. Then he asked how cold it gets in Missouri and I told him. Then he showed up at church the next Sunday and said here you go Elder Guapo (that's my name in this Ward because they can't say Studyvin) and handed me this Pancho! I love this Ward a lot! 

Rams jersey! I told a member how much I like the Sooners and how much I like Sam Bradford and he said he would be right back and he came back with this jersey! 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Alma the Younger

Monday: did a little bit of biking and found an investigator who is addicted to marijuana and doesn't want to go to church and stop smoking. 

Tuesday: Went on the best exchange with Elder Tamayo my 2nd companion! We biked 20 miles that day! (I have a 23 square mile area!) 

Wednesday: went to a bike shop to fix my bike from getting hit by the car! Thanks dad! 

Thursday: weekly planning and a member took us to a Mexican hot dog place which is a hot dog wrapped in bacon with beans and a lot of sauces. 

Friday: district meeting, got a flat tire so I couldn't do anything. 

Saturday: found a family who are members but their 9 year old isn't baptized but he will be on the 29th!!! 

Sunday: companion got sick during dinner so we stayed with the members for a couple of hours and I did Spanish study with the members. 

Wanted to share a story with you! 

Alma the younger was a baller!!!!!! 

Really quick version of his life:

Young punk teenager who hated the church would go around trashing on the church! And then his dad Alma prayed and fasted that his son's heart would soften. And it didn't but he was visited by an angel of the Lord! And Alma couldn't move or speak for 3 days and he felt the pain of all of his sins almost until he died. Then we called on Jesus in his mind "...O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death" Alma 36:18. And then he felt the joy of the Lord on him! Then he became the prophet and was one of the best missionaries in The Book of Mormon! He was truly a baller! Read his whole conversion story in Alma 36!!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bike Troubles

So I told you awhile ago that I got hit by a car.. sorry I didn't tell you the story. Here it is.

So it was a Tuesday and we had just left the church to go to a lesson that was too far away and we were about 100 yards away from the church and I had the right away to cross the street and this lady didn't see me. So when she turned left I didn't see her either and I went flying over the hood of her car. My front tire has been destroyed for awhile now. I've been putting off fixing it but I might do that today. The brunt of the fall was on my helmet. I don't feel any pain right now and didn't feel any after the fall. My right shoulder was all red and bruised up but I am fine. 

Last Thursday while using another missionary's bike we were being followed by a car for about 12 blocks and they were just yelling at us and then when we got to the house we wanted to get to, we hid our bikes and they found my comp's bike and slashed his tires! 

Monday, October 3, 2016


We have hit Standards, which are just numbers that our mission president wants us to get, every week since we have gotten to this ward and our P-Griff is thinking about changing the numbers!! 

I had my first flat tire this week!!! Good news!! It was just a tiny hole that I am going to fix today! 

With our investigators...
We have 8 people who want to be baptized but they just need to get married and it is so frustrating just waiting for papers of divorce. We literally would kill the mission with baptisms but we can't...

General Conference!
Most amazing thing!! Loved every bit of it!!! I loved President Monson's talk on the Word of Wisdon and how we need to live it if we want to have strength! But when he started his talk I thought he was going to add another thing to the Word of Wisdon, that is, that we can't drink Soda.. but luckily I can still drink Mtn Dew!!! 

It is 9:31am Monday October 3, 2016
I was underlining my scriptures and my life just ended...... you will see why..... 

Te amo! 
Elder Studyvin