Monday, November 28, 2016

Did this really all happen in one week?

Ok so I kind of have a lot to talk about and I know my mom is happy about that but I am sorry to the rest of you that would rather read a short email! So I will try not to bore all of you! I have six main stories to tell sorry... 

1. Title: Coke and Peptol Bismal pills is a combination from heaven. 
So while I was sick and dying on Monday night, and I mean dying I was throwing up about every 3 minutes and while I was doing that I also had liquid poop! So we were at the church so my comp could clean up our areabook. So our bishop walks into the church and sees that I had moved a couch just outside of the bathroom so I could at least die in comfort. And he said, "Elder Guapo I have the perfect fix for you! Don't go home yet!" I didn't know what he was doing but he came back like 10 mins later with a 12 pack of coke and a box of the pills and said, "Take two pills with one coke every hour until 10 and then go to bed and you will be fine by the morning." I told him, "Ya right bishop I shouldn't drink coke while I'm sick." But he said, "Just trust me. I learned this from my mission president's wife." So he took us home and I did that until 10 then I went to bed and after I took the first coke and pills I didn't throw up and my poop was solid! I felt perfectly fine in the morning! I now know what I'll do if I get sick again! 

2. Thanksgiving party! 
So on Thanksgiving day we had a party! Which was so much fun. Only 20 people showed up so it was really family like and they hired a chef so they could have a real white Thanksgiving! It was soooo good! But not as good as mom's cooking! Haha! Then after that one of our members, who is a DJ, had his whole setup there and we danced like crazy fools! They thought even though I'm white I'm a good dancer! 

3. Noe's party! 
The next day! We had another party for an 18 year old who is leaving for his mission in 2 weeks! We were able to share our testimonies and all that fun jazz! I also met some really cool people who were visiting from Mexico! Family of the kid! Percy and Kylea, I have more of this story I can only tell you! 

4. Temple trip! 
So, Saturday morning day after Noe's party! We went to the temple to help Noe with his first time going through the temple! He was so excited! I love the temple so much! I wish everyone could experience the temple! The church is true because we have temples! I also met up with a member from my first ward who was also going through the temple for the first time so that was amazing! 

5. Later that Saturday
We had a lesson at 2 that day with a young lady named Araceli! She is super cool and getting baptized on the 11 of December! And she doesn't speak a word of English and that's what the coolest part of teaching her because I have to speak Spanish. I can't use Spanglish! Her mom also cut my hair and I had been waiting for over three months to get my hair cut! It was super long! 

6. Later on that Saturday we went to a wedding!
So we got asked to marry someone! We flipped a coin and my comp won and he legally married a couple! It was super cool! We stayed at the wedding for food and stuff like that! By the way this was not a Mormon wedding! So a lot of beer was there and so I got to experience my first REAL Mexican party! I didn't really like the DJ. He talked way too much but he did play a lot of my favorite Spanish songs! 

Fun Fact: Our mission president wants the Spanish missionaries to learn as much Spanish as possible while being here in America so he made a rule that we are permitted to listen to any type of music as long as it is in Spanish! I have been listening to a lot Christian Spanish music but I do like a lot of Spanish raps and hip hop!   

-Elder Guapo

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