Monday, February 6, 2017

So transfers happened last week...

So this last transfer was a big one... Almost the whole mission got affected. Long story short. I am not a Spanish missionary, I am not finishing Elder Johnson's training, and my area is out in the middle of nowhere!
My new companion is Elder Parker. We actually go home at the same time. He's awesome.

First week in English. We slaughtered a pig. Played lots of board games. Taught a few lessons.
Slaughtering the pig was a lot of fun. We got to watch it die and then gut it and clean it and then the next day we cut the pieces of the meat. I wanted the bacon and the ribs.

So we have a member that is a stay at home dad and he always asks us if we have time to play a board game. Because his kid is only 3 our "dad" gets really bored so we play a few times.
We are teaching a lot of part member families. And we also are covering three wards.

Note from mom: He's in Goodyear, AZ which is west of Phoenix.

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